Model trains

Model trains

Model trains. In our shop in Stockholm we have a lot of new and second hand trains.We are specialized in Märklin. These trains will be available online as soon as we get the time to do it. Until then You are more than welcome to visit our shop to have a look or contact us if You are looking for something in particular.
Noordborg 1:87
Artitec kits consist of resin and etched metal components. In the box, you will find resin castings. This material sometimes needs to be sanded or trimmed so we recommend keeping a sharp scalpel and some sandpaper to hand. Resin is not coloured and can be painted with Humbrol enamel or acrylic paint. The small details are made of etched metal. 1:87 scale.
Figure Advent Calandar H0 (1:87)
The Figures Advent Calendar in A3 format is an absolute eyecatcher with its beautiful cover picture. Every day, you can look forward to a new figure when you open a door – an ideal gift for every railway modeller!
Märklin 94511
 Swedish special model from Märklin!Lightgrey 'Schimmmns' AAE.This is a limited edition model, only made for a few swedish dealers by Märklin. 500 pieces.Era IV. Length OA: 13,8 cm.
Shrimp cutter
Shrimp cutter (water line) by Artitec. Model kit made of resin and etched detailed. Paint and glue not included. Scale 1:160
Train quiz (In Swedish)
Train quiz. A great quiz for any train enthusiast! (In swedish only)
kr 99
Märklin Mini Club 50 years
164 page edition in German for the anniversary 50 Years of Mini-Club / Z Gauge
kr 223