Model trains

Model trains

Model trains. In our shop in Stockholm we have a lot of new and second hand trains.We are specialized in Märklin. These trains will be available online as soon as we get the time to do it. Until then You are more than welcome to visit our shop to have a look or contact us if You are looking for something in particular.
Märklin 46824.1 Id 6120 -NY
2 dragbilar+tunglastsläp+“pappersglättningscylinder” DRG MHI. Metallmodell
kr 1,160
Märklin 81873-NY
Starter set, Complete in jubilee box: Locomotive, passenger cars, transformer and tracks. BR 216 DB. 230 Volt.
kr 3,511
Märklin 70011 -NY
Mallar för utplacering av kontaktledningsstolpar, sats.
kr 95