

Some short comments about Eskaders selection of drawings...The drawings from Eskader covers a large program of interesting and fascinating shipdrawings. Most of the drawings are made with the intention to support modelbuilding and they allways cover ribbings and linedrawings, which are neccesary if You want to build a first class model. All our drawings are made true to scale; all parts of the drawings are in the same scale. You can allways take Your messures directly from the drawing and transfer them to the model. And the meassures are accurate.Avoid ”simple” drawings – They can never give all the answeres You need while You are making a shipmodel.This is the way to make a firts class shipmodel-drawing:-First collect all the material and facts about the ship in question.-From that You make a complete set of model-drawings: The ribbings must mostly be fewer than in the original drawings and corrections must often be made according to existing photos and other sources.Have in mind that the ”original-drawings” most often are just plans for intentions – not what the ship exactly would looke like. The real ship often looked quite different compared to the working-plans = ”original drawings”.-The next step in making the set of model-drawings is to build a ”master-model”. While building this ”pilot-model” one can find out if there are faults and mistakes in the so called ”original-drawings” - and they can be corrected.As You can understand the making a good set of model-drawings is a difficult and painstaking work and can therefore be extended in time for several years! There are no shortcuts and no room for mistakes in this kind of work. A good drawing is a source of knowledge for the modelbuilder – a poor drawing a disaster! Also do remember that the drawing contain all the experience from making the ”pilot-model”. Most of Eskaders modeldrawings has been drawn as described. When there has been a lack of original drawings has scientific resurch and meassuring original ships been done.
kr 200
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kr 300
Storm (1930s)
Swedish motor yacht - Scale 1:50 / 1:25 - Length over all 20 1/2" (52 cm) / 41" (104 cm) - Height 8 3/5" (22 cm) / 17 3/8" (44 cm) - Drawing - 1 / 3 sheet.Luxurious motor yachts of this type were used as exclusive leisure boats. Many of them are still in action and tenderly cared for by their enthusiastic owners.
kr 220
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kr 420
kr 420
kr 260