Passenger cars (z)

Passenger cars (z)

Exhibition car Posten
Exhibition car S6 Posten by Freudenreich Feinwerktechnik. Scale 1:220 (Z). Fully compatible with Märklin Z.
kr 1,100
Märklin 87560 - Passenger car set, DRG (z)
Four German State Railroad Company (DRG) 4-axle compartment cars. Prussian designs with and without a brakeman's cab. 1 type BC4pr04 car, 2nd/3rd class. 3 type C4pr04 cars, 3rd class. Era II, Scale 1:220
kr 1,847
FR 46.220.71 Blå Tåget (passanger car)
Swedish Blå Tåget, passanger car, by Freudenreich Feinwerktechnik. Suitable together with 46.220.74. Scale 1:220 (Z). Fully compatible with Märklin Z. 
kr 1,220
87285 - Passenger car set, DB (z)
3 German Federal Railroad (DB) TEE express train passenger cars "Rheingold". 1 Avümz 111 compartment car, 1 Adümh 101 vista dome car, and 1 ARDümh 105 bar car. 1st class. Era III -z scale (1:220)
kr 1,720
Märklin 87402 - Passenger car set, DB (z)
Car set of so-called "Pop Cars". German Federal Railroad (DB), type Bcüm 243 express train slumber coach, bluish lilac / gray, type Büm 234 express train compartment car, 2nd class, blue/gray, and type Bcüm 243 express train slumber coach, reddish violet / gray. Era IV -z scale (1:220)
kr 1,263
Märklin 87565 - Passenger car set, DB (z)
4 German Federal Railroad (DB) four-axle compartment cars. Prussian designs with and without brakeman's cabs. 1 type AB4 car, 1st/2nd class, 3 type B4 cars, 2nd class. The cars look as they did in Era IIIb. Era III -z scale (1:220)
kr 1,847
Märklin 87549 - Passenger car set, DB (z)
In a Limited Stop Train on the Branch Line
Once there was a quite different, contemplative travel experience without constant worries about failed connections, with working restrooms, and with windows that could be opened. We're talking about the "Heckeneilzügen" / "Backwoods Limited Stop Passenger Trains" that enabled connections free of transfers for many years via branch lines between regions not on the main lines and the large metropolitan areas. On the branch lines, they stood out with comparatively comfortable cars as exotic bright spots among the usual rail busses and rebuild cars. These trains formed the backbone of passenger service in the country in the northern part of Germany into the Eighties and occasionally they even warranted through cars.
Era IV -z scale (1:220)
kr 1,439
Märklin 87580 - Mail/baggage- car set, DRG (z)
Two German State Railroad Company (DRG) 4-axle mail and baggage cars, Prussian designs. 1 type Pw4pr04 car with a roof cupola. 1 type Post4b17 car with a brakeman's cab. Era II, Scale 1:220
kr 1,000